Hello! If you are donating to a specific fundraising event, please send us a message indicating the name of the fund. Thank you!How can you help?- Financial Donations
- Your financial donations allow us to meet the emergency financial needs of our families. These are very much appreciated. Please mail your check to GRACE, P.O. Box 513, Stanardsville, VA 22968.
- To pay by Credit Card, use this link Network for Good
- You can also use the donate button on this page to donate using a check. The PayPal option is discontinued for administrative reasons.
- Volunteer Your Time -- To see more detail visit the Volunteer Page
- Thanksgiving and Christmas Program volunteers
- Store Volunteers - Another Time Around (3-hour shifts, morning or afternoon on Wednesday - Saturday)
- Data Entry volunteers
- Office workers - Caseworkers - must be able to use a computer
- Furniture pick-up and delivery assistance
- Donate Goods
- We appreciate all donations of furniture, appliances and clothing and household goods.
- Clothing and small household items should be dropped off at the Another Time Around thrift store, located in the Great Value Shopping Center in Stanardsville. Donations are accepted when the store is open, Tuesday - Saturday from 10-4.
- If you have furniture to donate, please use our online form Donations Offered to donate. Furniture and appliances will be picked up as soon as possible, and if we have room to store them or a client who needs something right away. Please remember that we are all volunteers and sometimes we do not have the staff to pick up a donation as quickly as you may need it picked up. Thank you for your patience.
- Donate Skills/labor: We occasionally get a client who needs help with a household or car repair and is unable to pay for this need. Let us know if you are willing/able to offer your services to clients who have a verified need in this area.
"But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?" - John 3:17
"We are all part of the fabric of the communities we live and work in. Our personal involvement in strengthening these communities is critical. GRACE allows me to leverage my personal and fiscal commitment to best meet the most pressing local needs." - Individual Contributor